15 Tweets That Parents Would Wear As Shirts for Halloween
Halloween is yet upon us and the spooks are just about to come. But what’s also around the corner are the most hilarious and stressful moments that we’re going to have with our family come Halloween.
If you’re a parent who has kids who are all excited for the Halloween season, you may get some ideas on how it’ll turn out... with the help of these 15 funny halloween-themed tweets that you can totally rock on a t-shirt, hoodie, or sweater for the coming holidays.
1. The most horrifying nightmare of any parent (or adult at this point).
2. Even I wouldn’t succumb my neighbors to that kind of horror.
3. Oh God… anything but a kid carrying a school fundraising packet.
4. The embodiment of the saying “what goes around, comes around”.
5. Parenthood is already hard as it is, but it just gets harder every Halloween.
6. TFW you’re at this phase of relief that your Halloween responsibilities are over, then your kids ask you this…
7. B-but dad, what’s the Purge..?
8. Those veggies better be covered in gold, son!
9. Good to know that some parents actually find Halloween stress-relieving.
10. Can confirm: the idea of having kids is scarier than Halloween.
11. But Little Tommy, a pumpkin is already Ora-you know what, let’s just do it!
12. This scheme is too evil, even for me.
13. Another horror scenario for parents: bringing your kids to the grocery store.
14. Ah yes, the effects of adulthood and parenting. Zombification.
15. At this point, the sexiness bar is really low.
Which of these tweets are you wearing this Halloween? Let us know down below and we'll feature you if you tag us!