Kanye West Returns to Twitter
It's no secret Kanye West has made waves throughout the news now that he has come back to his favorite platform: Twitter. You might remember he came back to Instagram not too long ago, either. But that was short lived.
It appears Yeezus himself might be back tweeting for good, giving us a good chunk of tweets every day.
Did you notice anything in new about his profile? For starters, all of his previous tweets are now deleted forever. So yeah, guess you could call The Kanye Collection retro now. 😉
Secondly, you might notice he's only following one person: His wife, Kim Kardashian.
Will he ever follow anyone else? Who knows. But when and if that ever happens, he or she is sure to feel special.
His tweets seem to be more positive and certainly more spiritual than before, so we can probably expect less Twitter beef and more fashion threads going forward.